28 January 2021

3 Simple Tips for Career Growth

“Congratulations! You’re promoted!”
It pays off for people who work smart and develop to get the recognition they deserve. But not everyone can reach that milestone, especially when it comes to management level. Here is some advice we want to share for those who are seeking career growth in their organization.

The organization usually expects their staffs to be well-rounded and specialized in what they do. To be a specialist, the staff can develop skills by crystallizing things they learn from what they do repeatedly. These skills are rarely found in staff who have no focus in their career and often change their job.

Good thinkers will always come with logic and rationale. Systematic thinking is a must-have for people who are at decision-maker level. Decisions made by management should always be logical, even though it is from a gut feeling in certain circumstances. Rationale to support the logical decision must be provided for clear understanding.

Sorting out the problem is always a challenge for management and the problems always come in different forms. Management should have skill to consider which logic they can apply in each situation. This is called adaptation skill. This skill can be developed through work experience, the longer the better. People who can develop this skill will ultimately break their own limit in doing things.

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