25 February 2020

MBKG’s Ecosociety project continues with SMC

MBK Guarantee (MBKG) expands its Ecosociety campaign, from which it initiated promoting a ban on the use of plastic bottles with its business partners. Secondary Mortgage Corporation (SMC), state enterprise under the Ministry of Finance accepts the invitation to join the Ecosociety network stating its plan to reduce plastic bottles throughout its premises.

Mr. Sakchai Suthipipat, the MBKG Managing Director joins hands with the SMC President, Mrs.Wasukarn Visansawatdi for this collaboration. The aim is to reduce more than 20,000 plastic bottles a year together. “We have to do it together as we can’t just do it alone”, said Mr. Sakchai while handing over the ecosociety set and drinking from glasses of water with the SMC top management.

SMC is an eco-enterprise who has also initiated a number of eco-friendly projects for its CSR activities. They previously launched a campaign to recycle plastic bottles into ropes for Buddhist monks. Mrs.Wasukarn handed over their “SMC: Good Things Inside” tote bag to MBKG management, to encourage the reduction in plastic bag usage.