World Clean Up Day
In the spirit of World Clean Up Day, MBK Guarantee Company Limited (MBK-G) partnered with Trash Hero and Aleenta Hotel, bringing more than 50 volunteers to lend their hands in the beach cleanup activity at Pranburi beach to reduce the amount of garbage on the beach. Some of the garbage collected from the activity will be recycled for further value. During the activity, MBK-G also distributed fabric bag and water bottle tp every participant as another means to reduce plastic usage.
Today, Thailand is facing a critical issue of overflowing garbage. The issue is only worsening each day and it is solely stemmed from our behaviors. Not only the garbage poses a major problem for the urbanites, but it also leaks into the sea and the ocean, leading to a marine debris crisis, which has taken so many lives of the marine creatures, including turtles, dolphins, and larger animals like whales. Besides, seaside garbage also affects the animals that lives and feeds around the shore as well. Importantly, plastic waste is a quiet force of danger, as 'microplastic,’ or small molecules of plastic have already contaminated the food of marine animals, and eventually of human.
We hope that our activity act as the beginning of the awareness and realization of one's responsibility towards the society and the environment. We can easily reduce our own waste production from our daily routine, for example, use a fabric bag instead of plastic bags and use a water bottle instead of single-use plastic bottles.