MBKG handed survival bags to Bangphlat District Office to supported communities affected by COVID-19.

MBK Guarantee Co., Ltd., led by Khun Pana Buranasophon, Collection and Asset Foreclosure Service Department Vice President (3rd from left) and Khun Chaiyasit Sritawat Na Ayudaya, Marketing Section Senior Manager Team 2 (4th from left) handed survival bagsworth more than THB 100,000 to Khun Kanyamanee Deatpradit, Assistant Director of Bangphlat District (2nd from left) and Khun Piyachon Phoosongtham, Social Development Officer, Senior Professional Level(1st from left), as representatives of Bangphlat District Office to distribute to people in the Bang Phlat communities affected by the COVID-19 outbreak.
The MBKG team wishes that everyone will be safe and move forward through this pandemic.